Friday, March 27, 2009

Are You Missing These Steps to Successful Goal Setting?

Goal setting is a powerful technique. Used properly it will accelerate your personal and professional growth. By deciding what you want to achieve and then taking action to move toward the end result, it gives you vision for the future and motivation for today. Goals are the foundation of my sales training.

Some goal setting benefits:
* Greater achievement
* More balance in your life
* Increased motivation
* Improved self-confidence
* Better decision making
* Better focus
* Improved time management
* Over all self improvement and success

Research shows that people who use effective goal setting:
* Have reduced stress and anxiety
* Concentrate better
* Are more confident
* Live happier and more satisfied lives

How to Set and Achieve Goals
Begin by setting goals in all six areas of your life:
* Family
* Financial
* Spiritual
* Physical
* Social
* Mental

Setting goals in every area will ensure more balance in your life. Think of each area as the spoke of a wheel. When you set goals in each area the wheel becomes round and begins to roll smooth and gains momentum. Therefore, accomplishing your goals becomes effortless and success in sales and other areas becomes inevitable.

Write your goals down. By writing out your goals you are creating a picture to impress upon your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind will work to complete the picture, either positive or negative. The more positive your picture, the more positive your results.

Get a clear detailed picture of your goal. Write down in detail what you want to become, do or acquire. Instead of writing $100,000 in income, get specific on how many sales that is, the benefits your clients will receive, how it will make you feel. Focus on the outcome without worrying about how it will happen. Leave the how's to your subconscious mind to work out.
Close your eyes and visualize how your life will change when you earn $100,000 per year. How will you feel, act and look? Spend time everyday visualizing the outcome and continue to refine your written goal. Use these goal setting strategies for all the areas of your life.

"The secret to productive goal setting is in establishing clearly defined goals, writing them down and then focusing on them several times a day with words, pictures and emotions as if we've already achieved them." Denis Waitley, Author and Speaker

When you've created a clear picture in your mind of the outcome, then start taking actions. Listen to the little voice inside. Will this action bringing you closer or further away from your goal? Don't be concerned if you stray off course. Make adjustments along the way. Planes are off course 95% of the time in flight. The pilot constantly makes adjustments to get to the destination.

Take time every day to refine your goals. Think Big! "As long as you're going to go about your day thinking anyway, you might as well "think big". Many people think small and look where it gets them. What's the worst that can happen? As the saying goes, "if you shoot for the moon and miss, you'll land among the stars".

Goal setting is a choice. It's a choice between taking the time to set goals the right way and having what you want or not setting goals and wanting what you have.
Reference: Jim Klein

The Benefits of Grabbing That Residual Income Opportunity

One of the key points of finding success with residual income is to grab a good residual income opportunity. While opportunities are available everywhere on the globe, not all will be necessarily good. In fact, some will only result in frustration and additional expenses that you definitely don't want. In general, generating residual income is never a bad thing. Who wouldn't want to earn considerable amounts of money in a very short span of time? While you're continuing your usual job, you will carry on earning additional amounts of money. There are so many advantages to grabbing a good residual income opportunity.

Taking The Residual Income Opportunity
The World Wide Web is the most potent marketing means in the modern world. Network marketing is an industry that generates more millionaires than any other in the world. So how did these millionaires get started? Believe it or not, we all start small. They may have started out researching online on "how to create residual income" and following through e-books and online guides as part of their training and experience. Even as a novice, you can see great results immediately. Almost everyone these days use the internet-what other place is there to make as an investment playground?

The Advantages Of Taking The Opportunity
When you choose the residual income opportunity over those of the usual job or conventional business opportunity, you can quite see why some individuals opt for residual income activities or "work at home" activities. Unlike the usual job where you have a fixed schedule, this is not so with residual income benefits. Of course, you'll need to spend time designing and developing the network/business model but once you've accomplished all preparations, you'll be able to generate money even when you're on holiday or sitting in front of the TV.

Evidently, it's not really a "piece of cake" to achieve that level, but once you've done that, your path to success will be paved in concrete. All it takes is determination and more importantly, action.
Some residual income plans provide transference of your residuals in the occurrence of your death. This means that once you've accomplished what's called for involving residual income, it will transfer to your family when you pass away. Rather than your wife or husband having to fret over how they're going to settle the bills, the network you've developed will do all the rest for them. Not all plans provide this advantage, but you can try looking, as they do exist.

There are many other advantages. For instance you can be certain that your income will rise with inflation when it comes to creating residual income. You'll also no longer have to fret over things like promotions or increases. Your residual income business will be producing the big bucks for you even while you're in bed.

What Makes Residual Income Opportunities So Great
They are incredibly easy to learn, considering you have the right tools to help you out. Learning from what others have already gather through years of experience will always put you in a better position as a novice compared to having to learn from your own mistakes. With the right tools, you can easily start making use of the residual income opportunity and making money almost immediately!

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