Wednesday, April 1, 2009

6 Easy Ways To Find A Millionaire Mentor

6 Easy Ways To Find A Millionaire Mentor

The most difficult part of a mentoring relationship is finding a mentor. Where should you start your search? Do business mentors actually exist who can help you grow a successful online buiness? When beginning your search, consider the following ways to find a great mentor:
1. Word of Mouth: When starting your search process, ask for referrals from your friends, co-workers, other networkers, and successful people already in your business. When you ask for a mentor referral, be specific about what type of mentor you are searching for. Never ask for a "general" mentor. You want a mentor who is highly experienced in your type of business...someone who has been extremely successful -- someone who has built a financial empire. Look for a millionaire.
2. Be Aware of You: Determine where you are in your attempt to build a business and decide where you want to go. Without personal goals a mentor will be of no help to you. Know what your strengths and weaknesses are. Find a mentor who can expand on your strengths and help you overcome your weaknesses.
3. Be Assertive: Don't count on a mentoring relationship to form spontaneously. You must deliberately go on a hunt to find that great mentor.
If you find a mentor that doesn't deliver a step-by-step plan for your success, move on! Don't waste time with a mentor who can't deliver the goods.
4. Be Open to New Mentor Possibilities: Remember, the mentor you are searching for might be someone who is not in your exact business. Look for someone who can show you how to use his proven skills to explode any business. Millionaire mentors seem to share the same successful traits no matter what business they promote. Find yourself a millionaire mentor and apply his methods to success to your business.
5. Determine Where You May Find Your Mentor: Great sources to locate super mentors include your present business, social networking sites, chat rooms, local communities, Chamber of Commerces, teachers and universities. One of the best source tools I have found is Google Search: search for online business millionaires. You want to possibly find an online club that is operated by a millionaire who's sole purpose is to mentor his club members. Club membership is a great source for mentoring for both newbies and experienced online marketers.
6. Remember Who Have Been Your Best Mentors in the Past: Determine what you liked about the mentors who significantly influenced you life. Who were your best mentors? What qualities made them the best? Your past mentor relationships can help lead you to your new super mentor. Probably the best mentor you had in the past was someone who lead you step-by-step to your goals. Find a mentor who can lead you in this same fashion.
In conclusion, you and I know that a business millionaire is not born. He started off like you and I as a struggling entrepreneur. But then something wonderful happened --- he met his millionaire mentor ---and life was never the same!
You can find your millionaire mentor today. It's easier than you might think. Come along with me now and I will introduce you to the millionaire mentor in my life...

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